VOL.1, NO.2

Funds are available for a variety of programs. Public improvement funding through Urban Action and Community Development Block Grants are available to Individuals and communities. In addition. the Department of Housing and Urban Development has programs for elderly. non-elderly handicapped, low income family, residential board and care facilities, nursing homes and rehabilitation of existing apartment projects. Farmers Home Administration also offers multifamily and elderly project assistance.

HOW DIFFICULT IS IT? That depends. Each program has a specific set of requirements including application timing and qualification structure. Applications are not accepted if they are incomplete, inaccurate, or not within the required time frame. CFH has been successful with clients due to the strong working relationship with government officials. In the last eight years, CFH has assisted clients in filing applications with a high rate of project acceptance.

IS IT WORTH IT? Programs vary in dollar awards. When applications are received, one of three things can happen: acceptance at the dollar amount requested,
conditionally approved in a modified amount, or refused. For example: the total Oklahoma allotment for elderly housing is approximately three million dollars annually. If an application were made in this area, it could be one of 25 submitted. Consideration could be granted to two large projects or five smaller projects. Criteria for acceptance changes yearly. Adherence to agency requirements effects better results. begin the filing process. Their knowledge and understanding of the system affords quick and positive results.

HOW DO I GET STARTED? A CFH partner will meet with you to explore your specific needs and identify the most suitable program. They will then be able to give you an idea on what to expect and how long It will take.

HOW SOON CAN I EXPECT TO SEE RESULTS? This is hard to say. Each situation is different. It depends on the type pro- gram being pursued. Many agencies change their requirements each year. For example, the elderly housing program takes applications only once a year. Their entire process could take from 1-1/2 to 2 years from the initial application to completion of construction.

WHAT HAPPENS DURING THAT TIME? CFH will provide traditional architecture services of design, development of construction documents and project Inspection for new construction, rehabilitation and renovation projects. In addition they will facilitate research, conduct energy audits, analyze existing conditions, formulate status reports and prepare program applications. When it absolutely, positively has to be done right, count on CFH to guide you through the government maze.
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HOW CAN CFH HELP? CFH has a record of success in the programs mentioned, as well as lesser known government programs. They use an extensive pre-qualification check list to assist owners in determining eligibility and to find a suitable program match. This procedure saves time and money. It also stops applications from being sent to inappropriate agencies. When eligibility is determined and a match made, CFH can

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